Social Rights for Vulnerable Groups in the Western Balkans

Project description

Within the framework of project „Social Rights for Vulnerable Groups in the Western Balkans“ (SoRi II, Social Rights for Disadvantaged Groups), the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMU), supports the improvement of living conditions of disadvantaged groups in the five Western Balkan countries Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Northern Macedonia and Serbia. The project has several phases and planned outputs. The project described here (Output 2) focuses on the design of a social monitoring system that enables local and regional partners on the ground to obtain data on specific groups that are particularly affected by economic, social and cultural disadvantage. The „Vulnerable Groups“ often lack the visibility of their problems and their particular challenges in political and social discourse. In order to support vulnerable and marginalized groups with appropriate policies and social services, it is necessary to obtain disaggregated data. Social mapping projects like this one make an important contribution to improving this situation by increasing visibility and identifying specific challenges at the local level.

Within the scope of the project, I provide, in close coordination and division of labour with the project partners, services in the following areas

  • Method conception (toolbox) and questionnaire design,
  • Creation of digital survey tools,
  • Development of training modules for training in the use of monitoring and its results.

The project language is English.

(Note: The project descriptions modified by me and presented here have been created jointly by the respective project participants)

Further information

GIZ Northern Macedonia

in-house expertise


July 2020 – October 2021



Method design


Western Balkans
