Evaluation of rental price regulations in Brandenburg


Evaluierung der Wirksamkeit der Regelungen der Kappungsgrenzenverordnung und der Mietpreisbegrenzungsverordnung im Land Brandenburg Projektbeschreibung Vor dem Hintergrund steigender Mietpreise und einer angespannten Wohnungssituation haben die Bundesländer die Möglichkeit erhalten, durch Rechtsverordnungen Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, die Mietpreisentwicklung zu regulieren. Im Zuge dessen wurden zwei wichtige Verordnungen eingeführt: die [...]

Hotspot investigation 2024


Tourism hotspot study 2024 Project description Tourism is an important economic factor for Berlin and the Berlin-Brandenburg metropolitan region, a driver of culture and part of the capital's identity. After steady growth in the number of guests and overnight stays from the mid-2000s to 2019, the influx of tourists stopped. The coronavirus pandemic of 2020/2021 caused [...]

Urban Freight Rail Development Tool


UrbFRail - Support for the development of the Urban Freight Rail Development Tool Project description The Interreg project UrbFRail is a cooperation project between the Senate Department for Mobility, Transport, Climate Protection and the Environment as project lead partner and partners from Poland and Sweden for the reactivation of inner-city freight stations. The Interreg Smal Scale Project [...]

KV-Stat Feasibility Study


Feasibility study for the development of a statistics platform for combined transport - KV-Stat Project description Combined transport (CT) is seen as a great hope for the transport turnaround. Up to now, freight transport has only contributed insufficiently to this, which is also due to missing or outdated and thus not very reliable statistics for CT. Many [...]

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