Project description The study for a cross-thematic and cross-state axis development concept in the "north-east region" of Berlin and the Berlin hinterland deals with the Wandlitz settlement axis. It is part of the settlement star according to the Landesentwicklungsplan Hauptstadtregion Berlin-Brandenburg (LEP HR). The axis includes parts of the municipality of Wandlitz and the district of Pankow. The Wandlitz axis thus represents a [...]
Study to determine the needs for housing, skilled labour and infrastructure in the southern communities of the district of Dahme-Spreewald
Hebes2024-06-27T07:25:56+01:00Project description The Brandenburg district of Dahme-Spreewald (LDS) is spatially and structurally characterised by a broad diversity. On the one hand, there are communities in the north that profit from the population and economic growth of the Berlin metropolitan region. On the other hand, there are municipalities in the south that primarily earn their living from tourism, but otherwise have [...]
Berlin Strategy
Hebes2017-11-19T21:28:42+01:00Project description As an integrated concept, the BerlinStrategie |Stadtentwicklungskonzept Berlin 2030 takes up the existing Berlin plans and programmes and develops a model for the development of the city as a whole on this basis. The BerlinStrategie serves as a guide for the growing Berlin, a basis for the sustainable development of the city. With the concept, [...]