Project description

SGKV – Studiengesellschaft für den Kombinierten Verkehr e.V. (AG, client) has published the report / statistics collection "Facts and Figures" was created in order to first provide the members - and with some delay online to a wider audience - with an overview of the status and development of combined transport.

For the reporting year 2017, on the one hand, an update of the report was requested, using the available statistics for 2016 and the existing data from previous reports, and, on the other hand, a revision of the report, for example by "streamlining", restructuring the contents and redesigning important statistical illustrations.

Within the framework of the project, I was responsible, in close cooperation with the SGKV, for data research and data preparation, updating, revising and describing the figures and tables, and compiling and layouting the report.

Further information

Homepage of the SGKV

Project Report

Prepared and partially interactive statistics in the archive are here available


January 2018


Study Association for Combined Transport (SGKV)


Combined transport


Freight transport